Saturday, April 20, 2024

Good Eggs

An Olive Grove

There I Ruined It — Live

Almost Infamous

Tasty Licks



Shadow in Blue

Several years ago, veteran bass player Guthrie Kennard was strolling through one of the Virgin Megastore locations in London. Suddenly, an idea occurred to...

The F-Dub

The echoing, splintering reggae-inflected beats coming from outside Lola's Saloon-Sixth were definitely not anything I would have attributed to Dove Hunter, a nominee for...

Justin Townes Earle

Justin Townes Earle's second CD, Midnight at the Movies, is not quite country and not quite folk, but it's as deeply rooted in both...

Tiger Lady Attacks

One of the many reasons I was drawn to Catholicism is that the church has such a thing as a “patron saint of lost...

My Summer Poison

If you want to destroy your health by drinking those five-pounds-of-sugar-filled soft drinks and energy drinks, don’t let me stand in your way. But...

Weekender, Fri., May 29

There are certain among you who enjoy golf or, as I call it, Whacking the Little White Ball Around and Then Chasing After It....

Coming to a Boyle

From the Mindless Celebrity Diversion Files: I don’t watch TV talent shows where “most talented” is determined by democratic vote. I’m a big fan...

Power Psych

Life started revolving around music early for brothers Danny and Ben Hance. While still in elementary school in southern Johnson County, older brother Danny...

Year of the Kat

Daniel Katsük finally seems to be getting back into the swing of Fort Worth things. Couple-a years ago, the psych-folk singer-songwriter decamped for verdant...

Sex as a Weapon

The McKinney trial of Phillipe Padieu has had such a high weirdness quotient, a TV movie from Harpo Productions won’t do the trick. We...