DSC_0048THU ? 1

John Patrick Shanley’s film version of Doubt last winter boasted some terrific performances, but it still only gives you a hint of the concentrated power and relentless forward push of the play, which whips by in about 90 minutes on the stage without an act break. You can get that experience when Theatre TCU puts it on this week. The play runs thru Fri at Hays Theatre, 2800 S University Dr, FW. Tickets are $10. Call 817-257-5770.


FRI ▪ 2

The National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame opens Heart of the West this weekend. The exhibit includes works of Western art in various media by 42 women artists. In addition to the display, many of the works will be on sale, with proceeds benefiting the museum. The show runs Oct 2-25 at 1720 Gendy St, FW. Tickets are $7-8. Call 817-336-4475.


SAT ▪ 3

A total of 65 businesses on the South Side of Fort Worth will throw their doors open for Arts Goggle, the semiannual neighborhood event that is being held on a Saturday afternoon for the first time instead of Friday night. Real estate offices, restaurants, pharmacies, and bars will be displaying art, while Arts Fifth Avenue and several other places will host live music as well. The event is 3-10:30pm at various locations. Admission is free.
Call 817-923-1343.


SUN ▪ 4

After taking a hiatus last year, Christopher Kelly’s Great Movies You Haven’t Heard Of … Yet returns to the Modern Art Museum this year to give us an advance look at potential Oscar contenders. The mini-festival opens with the above-average weeper The Boys Are Back, while other highlights include Precious and An Education. The festival runs Thu-Sun at 3200 Darnell St, FW. Tickets are $6.50-8.50. Call 817-738-9215.


hamesmillerMON ▪ 5

Fort Worth Weekly named Mat Hames the Best Local Filmmaker of 2007 for his documentary Last Best Hope about the Belgian resistance during World War II. The Arlington native now returns with a film about the coal industry entitled Fighting Goliath, which will be screened at UNT this afternoon, followed by a panel discussion. The event starts at 1pm at UNT Gateway Center, 801 N Texas Blvd, Denton. Admission is free. Call 940-565-2050.



TUE▪ 6

The country of Venezuela has experienced a resurgence in the field of classical music, and a big part of that is Gabriela Montero. The sultry pianist was in town a few years ago playing at the Kimbell, but now she’s at Bass Hall to play music by Brahms and Alberto Ginastera, as well as improvisations on themes requested by fans through her website. If you log on now, maybe she’ll have your request by tonight. The concert is at 8pm at 555 Commerce St, FW. Tickets are $15-90. Call 817-335-9000.