DFW Uni-Con is raising dollars for the Tarrant Area Food Bank. Courtesy of iStock

Wednesday, August 5

It’s showtime! Every year since 1996, we here at the Fort Worth Weekly have been putting out our annual Best Of special edition. While the actual issue doesn’t hit the stands until Sep 23, voting season will soon start for Best Of 2020. It is all write-in, and there are tons of categories within each section; Good Grub, On the Town, Culture, Getting & Spending, and People & Places. Only one vote per IP address is allowed, so do your research and make your vote count. (Please, please do the same in November at the ballot box.)

Thursday, August 6

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Remember last week when we wrote about the need for more blood drives? Realtors Maria Zambrano and Kami Ludwig have answered the call by hosting A Pint for A Pint Blood Drive at Black Cat Pizza (401 Bryan Av, Ste 109, 817-489-5151). From 12pm to 6pm, every donor will receive a free slice of pizza during the event and a voucher to bring back later for a free pint of beer. For sign-up information, visit

Friday, August 7

It is inconceivable –– that means what you think it means –– that most of us have not been to the movies yet this summer. COVID-19 has meant the temporary closure of traditional movie theaters but the opening of alternative spaces. At 8:30pm, see The Princess Bride at 7th Floor Movies on the roof of the Hurst Convention Center (1601 Campus Dr, 817-581-0044). Movie-themed food and drinks will be available at the concession stand and bar. Tickets are $5 at

Saturday, August 8

From 8am to 12pm, see –– and help –– the Fort Worth Aviation Museum (3300 Ross Av, 855-733-8627) by attending the inaugural FWAM Car Show. Proceeds will help restore a rare F-16 fighter plane –– the second ever put into service. Museum attendees can see the 250 cars on display for free with the $2-7 museum entry fee.

Sunday, August 9

Whether you are a British transplant or a cultured American, from 12pm to 3pm you can enjoy Full Afternoon Tea at The Londoner Colleyville (5120 Hwy 121, 817-684-8810). For the cost of admission –– $26 per person –– you will indulge in chocolate mousse, cucumbers, finger sandwiches, macaroons, mimosas, scones, a variety of other items, and, of course, a cup or pot of tea. Reservations are limited, but you can be indoors, outdoors, or order Afternoon Tea for curbside pick-up. For registration information, visit

Monday, August 10

From 10am to 10pm daily thru Wed, Aug 12, DFW Uni-Con, The Multiverse Comics, and Not-A-Con DFW are hosting a virtual Dungeons & Dragons convention. Vendors will be online discussing everyday-gaming items, board-gamer attendees will have access to a tabletop simulator, and there are promises of “great hosts” and “all types of TTRPGS.” (That’s “tabletop role-playing games” for the novices out there.) The event is free to attend, but a suggested donation to the Tarrant Area Food Bank is appreciated. To sign up, visit

Tuesday, August 11

For the first time ever, the Arlington Museum of Art (201 W Main St, 817-275-4600) has an Artist in Residence. Join photographic artist and creative writer Amy J. Schultz for a free Zoom conversation at 7pm. She will discuss her multimedia installation “MUMENTOUS” and the values placed on coming-of-age celebrations in Texas like homecoming. The event is free, but registration is required at

8 Days a Week

School is about to start. Labor Day is around the corner. Do you need a last-minute vacation? Visit Fort Worth –– the local organization tasked with telling the world how great our city really is –– just reminded me that I can take a great staycation right here at home. For families in particular, there are interactive museums like the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame (1720 Gendy St, 817-336-4475) and the Fort Worth Zoo (1989 Colonial Pkwy, 817-759-7555), recently named the No. 1 zoo in the country by USA Today. To learn about other top family attractions in Fort Worth, go to