Sunday, May 5, 2024
Authors Posts by Rush Olson

Rush Olson

Rush Olson has spent two decades directing creative efforts for sports teams and broadcasters. When not writing his Sports Rush blog for the Weekly, he creates television programs, ad campaigns, content marketing, and related creative projects for sports entities and more through Rush Olson Creative & Sports, Mint Farm Films, and FourNine Productions.

Round Rock Express Ballpark Beer Map

Rangers fans, you need to know about a recent arrival making an impact for the club’s top farm team. He goes by the colorful...

Rangers Ballpark Beer Map

You like beer. I feel confident making such an assertion because you’re reading a sports column. Sponsorship Today reports global beer brands spend $1.4...

Sports: How The WNBA Can Succeed in North Texas

It's got the makings of a great story. Oklahoma girl, originally from Detroit, leaves the hinterlands of Northwest OK and heads to the big...

Sports: A Tour of Le Tour

Quick, how many bicycle races can you name? My guess is that the average American could come up with somewhere between one and zero. If you...

A Presidential Lineup

The old saying about the Washington Senators, as coined by baseball writer Charles Dryden, always went: “First in war, first in peace, last in...

The Liverpool Way: Texas Style

The goalkeeper dived to his right. His outstretched hand made just enough contact with the ball to deflect it over the crossbar. As he...

Winning At Free Agency Is Harder Than It Looks

You should give Mark Cuban or Donnie Nelson a big high-five the next time you see one of them at the massage parlor or...

A Wild Time at the Ballpark

As I sat in the visiting dugout before the Rangers game with Oakland last Thursday, talk turned to the world-class athletic abilities of some...

Sports Stuff You Should Do

You look to this space for sports insight. Today, we’ve decided to offer information you can use to enhance your sports life. Herein lies...

Introducing Our New Sports Columnist, Rush Olson

As a child, I often visited the Meadowbrook branch of the Fort Worth Public Library (now the eSkills Library & Job Center). I frequently...