Thursday, May 2, 2024

Albert Nobbs: Man Drag

Star Wars: Last Luke


Pain Cake

Film Reviews

Film Reviews

Destroyer: Violent Cop

Movies so often depict loose-cannon cops as heroes, men (it’s always men) who work for the law but happily ignore it to leave the...
Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall work out legal strategy and family issues in "The Judge."

Contempt of Court

When reviewing a movie called The Judge, there’s a temptation to use a really corny pun in the headline. “The Judge found guilty of...

End-of-Spring Roundup

Only two movies are opening in wide release this week, and neither of them screened in time for our deadlines. Ex Machina is expanding...

Training Day

Every big-budget action thriller needs a villain who artfully represents the audience's fear du jour. As Ryder, the subway-hijacking financial terrorist of Tony Scott's...

Dead Don’t Die: Police vs. Zombies

I suspect that I would find The Dead Don’t Die much cooler if I’d seen it 20 years ago. Alas, this century has spoiled...

Stangled Web

Hmmm, what do we make of men writing all the R-rated female-centric comedies these days? Look at Neighbors 2, the upcoming Bad Moms, and...

To Catch a Predator

Why am I not surprised that Shane Black is the filmmaker who cast a convicted sex-offender buddy of his and had him play a...

Mad Money

Madea Goes to Jail is Tyler Perry's seventh film as writer or director in only four years. In that short period of time, his...

Marital Tate

The Proposal makes an instructive contract with Management, the film that opened and promptly closed last month. Both movies are about the romantic...

Sound of Metal: The Rest Is Silence

Like many other things in this world, movies tend not to be made for deaf people. Sure, one can always turn on the subtitles...