Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Jack Barksdale

Snowball’s Chance in Hillsboro

The Disinherited

That Hemphill Life

Meet Me Underground



Best Of 2023

Welcome to Best of 2023 Thank you, dear readers, for picking up or surfing to our 27th annual Best Of issue. We hope you find it...

Turkey Awards 2022

Bless Us, O Lord, and These Thy Grifts We’re not saying we don’t make mistakes. We do. Then we apologize, write a correction if necessary,...

The FJR Assassination

We exchanged sideways glances. It was a dubious claim, and the old judge we were talking to followed it with a glaring non sequitur. “I...

The Business of Art

Ariel Davis ran around Sundance Square before there was a Sundance Square. She and her friends would go to Starbucks (then on Houston Street)...

Fight Worth

In an area most just pass through, should they be headed to the Stockyards, sits an unassuming metal building across a bridge from downtown....

Dirty Pool

John “JZ” Zaskoda has been one of Fort Worth’s more renowned guitar players for more than 20 years. Whether touring with professional country acts...

Drawn Together

Saturday’s opening will be as much a surprise party/family reunion as a retrospective. The featured artist has not been told that his paintings, drawings,...

Mo’ Beto Blues

I shrugged off the first one. I also ignored the second and the third. And the fourth and the fifth. And even the 10th...

Wings Over Near South

The pandemic and resulting lockdown hit Tyler Anne Stevens and husband John Stevens really hard. “The pandemic really had me dig into the ground, let’s...

The 2023 Turkey Awards

Dig In Everyone makes mistakes, but the antics we point out in this issue aren’t just slipups. Most of them have been committed by bad...