Screwed at the Pump
Editor’s note: Village Voice staffer Pete Kotz, who wrote our July 18 cover story (“Robber Barons at the Pump”), passed along this letter:
To the...
The Right Thing
To the editor: Peter Gorman’s “Ethics: Chipping Away” (Aug. 15, 2012) brought back memories. I was formerly a member of the Ethics Review Committee...
Wright: So Wrong
To the editor: Jeff Prince’s “Other Side of the Gavel” story (Oct. 31, 2012) serves as a “buyer beware” to anyone considering leasing or...
No Indifference Here
To the editor: Betty Brink’s April 18 story “Death by Indifference” is appropriately titled. She’s been the consummate crusader for justice for inmates at...
Love to Circles
To the editor: I just got through reading “A New Curve” (Feb. 1, 2012) on the traffic circles. My wife is the one who...
Good Luck to 1919
To the editor: I enjoyed reading Jimmy Fowler’s story on 1919 Hemphill (“Evolving at 1919,” Oct. 12, 2011). It’s a unique place for music,...
In a Bad (Fort Worth) Way
To the editor: Mayor Mike Moncrief brags about “the Fort Worth Way” when extolling the virtues of the council or of businesses that aid...
Bloody Monday
To the editor: The Metropolis story “Bloody Monday at JPS” (Oct. 26, 2011) by Peter Gorman is another testament to the economy gone sour....
License to Loan
To the editor: The Aug. 1 Metropolis story, “High Interest in the ’Burbs,” about payday loans in the less affluent towns and suburbs, really...
Unhealthy Costs
To the editor: Fort Worth Weekly’s recent cover story, “The Cost of Staying Alive” (May 5, 2010), showed the true picture of the healthcare...