The Fort Worth Symphony joins the rest of the world in celebrating Mozart’s 250th birthday with a four-day festival beginning tomorrow (Thu) in Bass Performance Hall. Mozart created an astonishing array of solo pieces, concertos, symphonies, operas, church music, and small ensembles that rank as the closest to perfection any composer has achieved — all this in a short 35 years of life.

Overtures from three operas will be heard on successive nights, starting with The Abduction from the Seraglio (Thu), La Clemenza di Tito (Fri), and The Marriage of Figaro (Sat).

Two concertos are also scheduled, with the First Flute Concerto performed by Mathieu Dufour due Thursday, and the Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major Friday with Chu-Fang Huang at the keyboard. Saturday’s program will feature the Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Viola with soloists James Ehnes and Roberto Diaz.


The last three symphonies, Nos. 39, 40, and 41, are included, one each night, and the festival ends Sunday with a semi-staged performance of The Magic Flute, arranged by Michael Scarola, who staged Rusalka for the orchestra last summer. The dialogue will be in English and the music sung in German with supertitles. All performances will be conducted by the orchestra’s music director, Miguel Harth-Bedoya.

Thu-Sun at 555 Commerce St, FW. Individual tickets are $15-49, four-concert passes are $29-125.00. Call 817-665-6000.