Saturday, May 4, 2024
Ann Ekstrom’s “Night Bloomer” is on display at Artspace 111.

Plastic Nature, Naturally

Black Buildings Matter

Trentham (foreground) and Camp have created quite the little stand-up scene.

Standing Up for Laughs

A Tragedy of Errors

A Million Little Peaces



Dreaming Big

Established art galleries are often tasked with turning a profit while serving the greater arts community. Since opening in early 2016, Fort Works Art...

Spring Gallery Night

Every spring and fall, Fort Worth’s galleries come together to showcase their best new work, and most of it comes from these parts. #locavores For...

Flowers ’n’ Sh*t

Dominique Ransom knew she had a cute shop. After all, she had designed Lilac Tattoo Studio with the “divine feminine” in mind. Her bright,...


If you’ve picked up a catalog from Texas A&M Press lately, you’ve no doubt noticed all of the battleships and generals and wars. If...


TCC English instructor Gregory Bade found ways to combine his love of photography and auto racing, and now he has a show at their...

Open Ears and Minds

Seattle transplant Herb Levy settled in Fort Worth eight years ago so that his wife, painter Carol Ivey, could be closer to her family....

Hot Rods and Java

The distinctive monthly gathering in which hot rods and caffeine are combined has gotten so popular that it has –– yet again –– moved...

Keep Artful Village Weird

While walking through rows of paintings at an Austin art show with his wife three years ago, Darren Houk was struck with inspiration. Soaking...

Poe Notes

Horror is particularly hard to do on the stage. A theater director doesn’t have the editing tricks and CGI available to filmmakers, nor can...

Fur Summer’s Sake

During the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of Americans turned to — who else? — their pets for comfort and relief. Labradoodles, tabby...