Sunday, May 5, 2024

Music to Their Ears


Homeless Camp Chaos

Bravos to the Brave Ones



Ladies and Germs, it’s Greg “Big COVID” Abbott!

The big news locally is still the coronavirus. The Texas health department says that we averaged about 260 COVID-19 deaths per day over the last...

Polecat Yowls

It's official. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram editorial board has to be high on crack. Fried out of their peanut-sized minds. A July 10 editorial...


It's so tiresome having to listen to those whiny people who seem all hot and bothered about the loss of civil liberties under the...

Science Shmience. Reopen Schools Now.

Leave it to ’Murica to politicize the debate over schools reopening. As a vast majority of physicians say to limit social gatherings, some parents think...

Mess (for the) Ages

Maybe Antonio Martinez has a good reason for prohibiting certain students from decorating their graduation caps. Maybe the North Side High School principal is...

Grease Those Wheels

City leaders are a bit schizophrenic when it comes to the cluster of homeless shelters on East Lancaster Avenue. They created the centralized complex...

Corona Light

We’re waiting ’til 5. Like the good, reasonable, responsible adults that we are, Dana and I are waiting until the godly hour of 5pm...

Lyin’ Ted Is Back

Besides being one of the creepiest senators around, Ted Cruz is also among the most two-faced. It has been painful to hear the master...

He Fought the Law, and the Law Waffled

Remember Trevor Goodchild, the young Austin musician who was tasered repeatedly last February for the heinous crime of telling a cop he didn't think...

Breaking Adolph Hitler’s Wet Dream

As a normal white guy who grew up with the normal white bread breaks, I have to say I’m pretty fed up with listening...