Saturday, April 27, 2024



Sports Rush

Could your brain handle the pressure of standing on the dugout in front of fans at the Texas Rangers ballpark, competing in a game...

Update: All Of Canada vs. Gil LeBreton

Comparing Canadians to Nazis is something Fort Worth Star-Telegram sportswriter Gil LeBreton won't do again. He's as sorry as...

In Defense of Leon Russell

I recently told somebody that blues guitarist B.B. King was coming to Verizon Theatre on October 8 and that I was excited about Leon...

Fort Worthology: Walking Audit of Linwood

It can be easy to fall into what some in the urban planning world call a “windshield perspective,” unable to see past the confines...

Sports Rush: Charging Soccer Careers

Between the local colleges and semi-pro/pro teams (all the way up to FC Dallas at the MLS level), local soccer fans have a lot...

NFL Cheerleading Sucks!

If you need a break from being outraged at everything Cliven Bundy says, be outraged at some of the things being alleged in the...

“Allure” at Artspace 111

Images of hot celebrities – especially hot women celebrities – are so ubiquitous in our culture, few people pause and ponder the ramifications of marketing...

No, Nick, No!

North Texas neighbor, juvenile diabetes consciousness-raiser, and jailbait rocker Nick Jonas wore a suit yesterday when he spoke before a National Press Club luncheon...

Mask Mandate Largely Ignored in Stockyards During Traveling Rodeo

When the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) moved to Arlington this year, many saw the move as an economic coup. The 10-day-long event had spent...

Buck U: Transition Shot

TCU men’s basketball broke their quarantine on Thursday against No. 15 Kansas after more than two weeks of cootie jail and three game postponements...