Monday, May 6, 2024

Tarrant County Voter Guide

Pro-Palestine Protest Calls for Israeli Ceasefire

Nazis Welcome in Tarrant County?

Celebrating the Lives of Aimee and Lucas Cardoso



Algebra II? But the Toilet’s Running!

The headlines from yesterday’s state House hearing on Texas’ new high school curriculum were so deliciously snicker-worthy: “Texas lawmakers debate new curriculum that’s too...

Downtown Fort Worth SketchCrawl

You can do a lot of things with a group of people –– eat, watch a movie, play with your dog at a dog...

Visionary Awards Moved to Thu, April 17

Congratulations again to the winners of our Fourth Annual Visionary Awards: director Adam Adolfo, conceptual artist Bradly Brown, and the art collective HOMECOMING! Committee. Due...

“Cosmos”: Sorry but Science is Boring!

All forward-thinking people are supposed to be aggressively pro-science and super-STEM-y these days, to keep our children primed for competition in the global arenas...

Benefit for Fort Worth Videographer Sunday

For years, Harriet Mills has been taking videos of her favorite blues and roots musicians in Fort Worth, including Bill Ham, Scott Copeland, Jake...

SXSW: A New Surreality

Last night, a man allegedly got hammered, got into his car, got pulled over by the cops, and then tried to flee the scene...

Will You Love The Wildcatter Exchange? May Be

If you missed the first Woodstock, first Bonnaroo, first ACL fest, and other great cultural "firsts," well, now's your chance to say you were...

The ‘Phibs and The Modern Screen “Coriolanus”

Does watching Shakespeare feel like a civic duty, a noble sacrifice, a homework assignment –– anything but an entertaining experience? Here’s a trade secret:...

Kimbell Releases “Yojimbo” Game App

The marketers of the hit Kimbell Art Museum show Samurai: Armor from the Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller Collection were savvy to create a new...

Have a Calhoun Weekend

It’s like he never left. When Calhoun co-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist and all around bon vivant Jordan Roberts decamped for San Francisco in September to...