Friday, July 26, 2024



DADT Died, McCain Wept

Tomorrow morning (Dec 22) at 8:15am President Obama will sign the legislation to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Here’s what won’t happen: Helpless hetero...

GOP Blog Says Perry’s Office Helped Kill Play

Journalism students at Tarleton State University have uncovered interesting developments in the question of how and why that college's controversial production of "Corpus Christi"...

Hundreds Gather for Weed March Downtown

It’s still a crime to smoke weed in the Lone Star state, but that didn’t stop hundreds of people from sparking up in the...

Election Day: Last Chance To Vote

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of distasteful candidates stays Texas voters from the swift completion of their responsibility to vote and to drive...

Obama Tells Students to Stay in School, Not All Kids Hear...

“He said things that we, parents, teachers, ministers, have been saying for years: Stay in school, respect your teachers, listen to your parents, take...

Frank Talk

Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank, you’re my hero. My fat, gay, speech-impeded, fearless, brilliant, and dedicated hero. Check out last night’s tasty exchange at a...

Stop Sarah Stop

Sarah Palin continued digging her own grave this morning during an interview with Matt Lauer about her feud with David Letterman.

Texas Rates High in a Very Low Catagory: Juvenile Prison Abuse

A report released last week by the U.S. Department of Justice shows that more than 12 percent of the youths who are in state...

Your School Tax Dollars at Work

Fort Worth Weekly has reported in previous posts that the outside legal costs to fight Fort Worth ISD whistleblower Joe Palazzolo has reached more than...

Shut ’Em Down Rally Draws Dozens

About 25 people took to the steps of the Tarrant County Courthouse downtown Thursday evening for a rally. They might have captured little attention...