Thursday, April 25, 2024

Young Nudists, Unite!

SugarKKKoating It


Dull in the Heart



Wizard of Odd

Arlington-based filmmaker Frank Mosley remembers the first movie he ever acted in. It wasn't directed by him. His father ran the camcorder for a...


Pantagleize Theatre brings a couple of parents-to-be to life at a crossroads. Someone once called live theater “the art of the improbable” because it involves...

Losing, Lost Gems

As mannered Britons dump garbage all over gallery floors under the auspices of creating "art," and brash young Americans simply Xerox their favorite photos...

The List

Maybe even more than movies, architecture seems to be the one thing we're all experts in. Everyone has an opinion, everyone's ready to share...

Lost in thought and balletic reverie

To a lot of viewers and critics, the title Lost has become a bad pun on the show itself. Over the course of the...


In its 28 seasons, Stage West has offered a little bit of pretty much everything: regional premieres, regional and national debuts, sentimental favorites, you...


To call the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra's three-year Mahler cycle a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear the maestro's remarkable symphonic output isn't far off the...

Manhattan Express

The FWSO makes an impressive Carnegie Hall debut. I came to Fort Worth 40 years ago, which seems so far back now that dinosaurs might...

Down the Chimney, Hatch

Christmas is for children, even the grownup ones. A one-night program of live music, short theater pieces, and comic sketches, SceneShop's sixth annual revue...

CD, Sharp

A major element of Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra's renaissance in this decade has been the willingness of conductor Miguel Harth-Bedoya to program and promote...