Thursday, April 25, 2024

Rolaids and the River

A Degree in Debt

Earth — Now

Open Season

Urban Explorers: New Thrills in Old Buildings



Suing Big Pharma

The average life expectancy in the United States is on the decline, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, largely due to...

Keys to Chaos

The November morning began routinely enough. Brad Laffoon drove from his Alvarado home to Arlington, where he was renovating a condominium he had purchased...

The Way They Were

White Eagle has fallen for the Daughter of Dawn. But the prettiest child of the Kiowa chief has more than one suitor. Black Wolf, despite...

The End of an Era

It has been a field of dreams and life-long memories. Globe Life Park, the Texas Rangers’ home stadium that opened on April 11, 1994, hosted...

Notes on a Tragedy

I was on my back porch the other day, listening to the birds, when I received a humorous text from a friend that broke...
Eleanor Fairchild stands inside the new gulley in her land — courtesy of the Keystone XL pipeline. Kathy Da Silva

A Thorn for Trans-Canada

TransCanada, the giant energy firm building a pipeline from Oklahoma to the Texas coast as part of a project that would carry tar sands...

TAKSing Our Patience

Used to be there were only two things sure in this life: death and taxes. Now there are three sure things: death, taxes, and...
A UMNS photo by Paul Jeffrey.

How Many Times?

Just a few weeks ago, Static was lamenting that Corrections Corporation of America, the largest private prison outfit in the U.S., probably would get...

Dem Divisions

Democrats in Tarrant County have been on a downward spiral for many years. In the 1990s, many local Democratic politicians saw the changes coming...

Evangelizing for the Earth

Look around you, the physician told the group at the Texas Christian University student center. Half of the two dozen or so folks in...